KratusA few words about Presa Canarios

The Canary Mastiff (Presa Canario), is a large dog breed of the Molosser type. The dogs were originally bred for working livestock, but are now used both as working dogs and as pets. Among the easiest ways to identify this breed of dog is through its distinctive shape and overall look. The head of a Presa Canario is massive, and the body is heavy and rectangular. The dog's coat is short and will be fawn, brindle, black, or a combination of those colors. One of the most misunderstood things about the Presa Canario is its temperament. In the United States, most people who encounter this dog believe that it may be dangerous, partially due to its size and partially due to its general look.

Descriptions of the breed encourage this belief, as they specifically refer to the Presa Canario as a guard dog. This implies that its posture will be defensive, leading to the concern that the dog would not be able to be safely approached by strangers. However, this is not the case. The Presa Canario is an alert, watchful dog at all times, but they are generally very accepting of strangers who are friendly to them. These dogs are ready to interact with others and protect their home and family when needed, they are calm, and they are confident in every type of setting. It is not uncommon to know of these dogs receiving Canine Good Citizen titles to work in nursing homes, do therapy work, and provide many different types of help through service work training. Presa Canarios

This service characteristic does not change even once they have been through a personal protection training course, this actually makes them a safe, loyal, and courageous dog to have around. The breed is a versatile one, and dogs that belong to it are not overly shy or outwardly aggressive. They bond quickly and strongly with their families and have a loyalty that is extremely strong. These loyalty, makes the Presa Carario breed an excellent family dog who will play gently with people but also defend the home against intruders and other types of harm. 

Above everything else, though, the Presa Canario is a working breed with soundness of body, a strong working temperament, and a bodily accurate representation of everything this beautiful dog breed should be. These dogs work hard and are dedicated to their tasks, there is no reason that the public should fear them at all.

True working dogs, like the Presa Canarios, have a calm essence and a confidence in crowded settings that is notable. They are watchful of the strangers around them, but accepting of those who are friendly. Unfortunately, too many people fall for the "natural protector" myth, don't be one of them. To be effective and safe all dogs need proper training, and a correctly trained Presa Canario is a great dog to have.